10 dicembre 2008

Links del 10-12-2008

  • Spanish unemployment poised to surpass 3m - Finacial Times - L'economia spagnola va a rotoli: "[...] Unemployment in Spain, at about 12 per cent of the workforce, is at its worst since 1996 and is already the highest in the European Union. “There is general agreement that 2009 is going to be worse than 2008,” said Pedro Solbes, finance minister. More than 5,700 jobs were lost each day in November, taking the total to 2.99m at the end of the month. Services and construction were the hardest hit sectors. [...]"

  • Deflation: Making Sure "It" Doesn't Happen Here - fed.gov - articolo risalente al lontano 2002, in cui un Bernanke profetico anticipa l'attuale situazione del mercato del debito delle agenzie: "[...] Yet another option would be for the Fed to use its existing authority to operate in the markets for agency debt (for example, mortgage-backed securities issued by Ginnie Mae, the Government National Mortgage Association). [...]"

  • Feds Set to Eliminate Water Regulations for Toxin - wired.com - "Among the Bush administration's final environmental legacies will be a decision to exempt perchlorate, a known toxin found at unsafe levels in the drinking water of millions of Americans, from federal regulation. The ruling, proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency in October, was supposed to be formalized on Monday. That deadline passed, but the agency expects to announce its decision by the year's end, before president-elect Barack Obama takes office. It could take years to reverse. [...]"

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