20 aprile 2008

Affaristi inglesi vendono armi all'Iran

(*agr) La Gran Bretagna è favarevole a nuove sanzioni da parte dell'Unione Europea contro l'Iran. Lo ha detto il premier britannico Gordon Brown da Washington durante una conferenza stampa insieme al presidente americano George W. Bush. Brown ha spiegato di aver chiesto ai leader eurpoei di inaspriere le sanzioni di fronte al rifiuto di Teheran di sospendere le sue attività nucleari.

(*guardian) Investigators have identified a number of British arms dealers trading with Tehran, triggering alarm among government officials who fear Iran’s nuclear programme may be receiving significant support from UK sources. The probe by customs officers suggests that at least seven Britons have been defying sanctions by supplying the Iranian air force, its elite Revolutionary Guard Corps, and even the country’s controversial nuclear ambitions. Officials say they are perturbed by the number of British dealers who appear to be trading with Tehran, despite a third round of restrictions being recently imposed by the United Nations on exporting arms and components to Iran. However, investigators argue that it is the generous riches being offered by Iran, not any shared ideology, that is seducing the dealers. [...] Other examples involve a British millionaire arms dealer caught trading machine-guns used by the SAS and capable of firing 800 rounds a minute with a Tehran-based weapons supplier. Customs offers are also working on a number of ‘active investigations’ which include several Britons and breach sanctions aimed at curbing Iran’s military strength.

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